Online Course: Access 2010 Upgrader

In this online course for upgraders we support you in your transition to Access 2010. We explain the new user interface and tell you what new program features are available and how to use them. This course is intended for users who want to gain an overview quickly and are planning to use our online help to get targeted solutions for specific program features.

Course Duration: 3-4 hours

=free      =new      =seen
Novelties Access 2010
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20-30 Min.  
In this film we introduce the most significant features and changes in Access 2010. Novelties that came with the version 2007 are included in this video as well.
The new User Interface
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12-18 Min.  
In this video we explain the new User Interface of Microsoft Access 2010 and show you the differences to older versions.
Migrating to Access 2007 or later
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10-15 Min.  
There are a number of important factors to be taken into account when you change to the new version of Access. In this film we explain the main points and provide different solutions to create a multiuser environment in Access 2007 or later versions.
File Types and Compatibility
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6-9 Min.  
In this video we will explain the various file types in Access 2007/2010 and older versions.
Form Views
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15-25 Min.  
In this video we explain the different Form Views and how to apply these views to your forms.
Filtering Data in the Datasheet View
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18-30 Min.  
In this video you will learn how to filter data in tables, queries and forms using the Datasheet View. You can use various filters for texts, numbers or dates.
Report Tools
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12-18 Min.  
Access offers various tabs containing commands and different views for creating and editing reports. In this video we will show you the different tabs and views and we will show you how to use them properly.
Creating Reports Manually
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30-50 Min.  
In this video we will show you how to create customized reports by designing them step by step from scratch.
Grouping and Sorting in Reports
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24-40 Min.  
In this video we will show you how to group and sort data in order to clearly structure reports.
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8-12 Min.  
In this video we will show you how to export database objects as PDF or XPS files. The PDF format is very useful, because of its small size and because it cannot be edited after it is saved.
Customizing the Command Area
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10-15 Min.  
In this video we will show you how to add frequently used commands, or commands which are non-existent on the Ribbon, to the Quick Access toolbar. Additionally, you will learn how to minimize the Ribbon.
Create Your Own Tabs
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16-24 Min.  
In this video we will show you how to create your own tabs in the Office programs. You can thereby integrate your own macros and frequently used commands into the user interface.
Conditional Formatting
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36-60 Min.  
In this film we will show you how to attach the formatting of controls to conditions. The formatting options include back and font colors, font styles and data bars.
Dynamic Hyperlinks
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27-45 Min.  
In this video we will show you how to add dynamic hyperlinks to forms by using the Hyperlink Builder. This allows for hyperlinks to be divided into components that can change depending on data from your database.
Creating Navigation Forms
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15-25 Min.  
In this video we will show you how to create a Navigation Form. A Navigation Form is a type of form designed to work as a navigation tool for forms and reports in your database. It is also the replacement of the Switchboard Manager.
Using Application Parts
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24-40 Min.  
In this video we will show you what Application Parts are and how to create them.
Interactive Command Guide
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6-9 Min.  
In this video you will learn how to work with Microsofts Interactive Guide in order to comfortably and quickly find familiar commands from older versions in the new interface of Office 2010.
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