Online Course: PowerPoint 2016 Upgrader

In this online course for upgraders we support you in your transition to PowerPoint 2016. We explain the new user interface and tell you what new program features are available and how to use them. This course is intended for users who want to gain an overview quickly and are planning to use our online help to get targeted solutions for specific program features. To learn how to work with PowerPoint in general, please refer to our online courses for PowerPoint 2010.

Course Duration: 1-2 hours

=free      =new      =seen
Information on the Course
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6-9 Min.  
In this video you will get important information about how to work with this upgrader course.
Novelties PowerPoint 2016
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8-12 Min.  
In this video we will explain the most important novelties of PowerPoint 2016. It includes only novelties introduced since the version 2013.
Screen Recording with PowerPoint
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12-18 Min.  
With the Screen Recording feature you can capture entire presentations. Apart from your presentation, you can record anything that is on your screen and than insert it into your presentation or save it as a video file.
Searching Features and Functions
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8-12 Min.  
In this video you will learn about the Tell Me-feature, a specific search for functions and commands integrated in Microsoft Office. If you can't find a certain command on the ribbon, the Tell Me-feature will assist you.
One-Click document sharing
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10-15 Min.  
Office documents that are saved to an online location can be shared with co-workers for collaboration. Since Office 2016 this sharing feature is integrated in the Office Application so you can invite colleagues via Email directly from within the document.
Real Time Collaboration and Co-Authoring
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12-18 Min.  
A shared document can be edited by several users at the same time. In This video you will learn how to co-author a document simultaneously and how to avoid editing conflicts in your collaboration.
Using the Ink Equation Feature
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8-12 Min.  
Equations are often difficult to enter using the ribbon. In this video we will show you how to manually ink equations using your mouse, a touch pen or your fingertips. Learn how to ink, revise and correct equations before inserting them in your document.
Using Smart Lookup
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4-6 Min.  
In this video we show you how to use the Smart Lookup feature in order to instantly look up additional information, definitions and images related to terms and phrases in your document.
Novelties PowerPoint 2013
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8-12 Min.  
In this video we will explain the most important novelties of PowerPoint 2013. It includes only novelties introduced since the version 2010.
Opening and Saving Files quickly
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14-21 Min.  
With the implementation of touch devices and cloud services, simple procedures like opening and saving files have changed a lot in the Office 2013 programs. We show you how to set up your Office program in order to handle these tasks much faster.
Protected View
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10-15 Min.  
In this video we will introduce you to the Protected View, a new security feature of the Office 2013 programs. Depending on your environment, the basic settings are more or less useful. We will show you how to adjust them without compromising your safety.
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