A successful PowerPoint presentation includes good content and an appealing and unique design. It is possible to prepare this really well. During the presentation your personal appearance and proper timing count a lot. Often you have strict time limits that must be observed. PowerPoint provides optimal support here. The function RECORD SLIDE SHOW shows you the exact time you require for each individual slide. Using that function you then know in advance if it fits or if your timing needs to be adjusted. In this Special Topic we show you how to test your timing.
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PowerPoint 2016
Set Transition Speed:
This video will show you how to set the transition speeds for every single slide in order to create a self-running presentation.
(3 Min.)
PowerPoint 2013
Set Transition Speed:
This video will show you how to set the transition speeds for every single slide in order to create a self-running presentation.
(3 Min.)
PowerPoint 2010
Set Transition Speed:
This video will show you how to set the transition speeds for every single slide in order to create a self-running presentation.
(3 Min.)