In addition to well organized time management, delegation of work and tasks is an essential part of professional success. Lotus Notes offers many helpful features to delegate tasks with To-Do-Assignments, respond to the delegated TO-DO-ITEMS and track them until completion. In this Special-Topic we will illustrate everything you need to know about delegating Tasks in Lotus Notes
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Lotus Notes 8
Assign To-Do Items to Others:
In this video we will show you how to assign To-Do Items to others and how to create Group To-Do Assignments.
(7 Min.)
Manage and Respond Received To-Do Assignments:
In this video we will show you the different response options you have got as a recipient of a To-Do Assignment.
(4 Min.)
Manage Assigned To-Do Items:
In this video we will show you how to manage To-Do Items you have assigned to others.
(2 Min.)